The Truth About Imposter Syndrome
– Forbes
The truth is that if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re the type of person who grows constantly. Growth can be uncomfortable. And discomfort can lead to self doubt. It’s a rabbit hole from there, folks.
You are not alone.
I have fought feelings of being an imposter in my industry.
Did I ever really know what I was doing?
How would I ever compare to so many talented professionals in my field?
I don’t have anything to offer that sets me apart from the rest.
record scratch please!

It takes some reminding, but I have earned my successes. By the grace of God I have been able to leverage my talents, grow my knowledge, expand my skill set, and serve others through a solid work ethic and a love of learning. AND YOU CAN TOO.
It has taken me TWELVE years to get here! And I can now recognize just how much I still have to learn!
Does this mean I am free from self doubt, feelings of being an imposter, or the horrid habit of comparing myself to others? NOPE.

It does mean I have learned to quickly acknowledge those feelings when they arise and get to the real source. I am not cured of Imposter Syndrome, but I’ve gotten better at treating it…

My Top 6 Tips to deal with and manage Imposter Syndrome:
- Acknowledge your feelings + find their source.
- Serve from your strengths.
- Exercise your weaknesses.
- Find your business owner tribe! (My fav tip!)
- Trust the external validation you receive from others.
- Breathe + focus ONLY on the next best thing you can do.
Looking for a community of likeminded photographers, where you can ask all the questions and learn alongside others? Then join the crew in Becoming a Professional Photographer.
I can’t wait to see you there!